3930 articles
Kaspersky Lab has patented technology that can disarm Adobe Flash exploits using special detection technology.
We use the right approach for every group, showing every employee how they contribute — and how to contribute — to the security of the organization.
In the second part of our “Ask the expert” session, Jornt van der Wiel answers questions about encryption: how it works, what it is for, and more.
What is sextortion, and how can we protect ourselves and our children?
In the very near future, we will use the HackerOne platform to launch the Kaspersky Lab Bug Bounty program, which will give outside experts an opportunity to seek bugs in Kaspersky Lab’s products and be rewarded for vulnerabilities they might find.
You could’ve asked our GReAT members whatever you wanted. Here are the best 6 questions and GReAT experts’ answers
Meet the new Kaspersky Lab product line. Packed with cool new features.
Facebook launched Aquila, a solar-powered drone which took its inaugural flight last week. Why does the social network need its own drones and how it is connected to the Google Loon project?
In this roundup, we talk about five true leaks and some lessons to be learned from them.
True tales of rigged lotteries, stolen millions, and the investigations that brought the thieves down.
Online dating fraud cost victims millions last year. Be vigilant and protect yourself!
The key danger is the method the Hummer uses to achieve its goals. It roots a device and gains administrator’s privileges to install unauthorized software of its own discretion
Kaspersky Lab, the Dutch National Police, Europol, and Intel Security are joining forces to launch a new initiative to battle ransomware worldwide. The initiative is called “No More Ransom.”
Good news, everyone! We have help for victims of Shade ransomware. Now you can decrypt the data without paying ransom.
When Canada-based adultery site Ashley Madison was hacked, cybercriminals wasted no time in taking advantage of it. Even now, a year later, they continue to blackmail people and hold their data hostage. We look back at what happened then and talk about what’s happening now.
On July 27, members of Kaspersky Lab’s GReAT will sit down on Reddit, where you can ask them absolutely anything.
A story of dumb password usage, good intentions, and bad actions — and how all these led to the imprisonment of a former St. Louis Cardinals scouting director.
On July 27, members of Kaspersky Lab’s GReAT will sit down on Reddit, where you can ask them absolutely anything.
How to protect yourself from ransomware? Are there any cross-platform cryptors? How much time does it take to catch a cybercriminal? Jornt van der Wiel discusses all of that and more