A layman’s dictionary: RAT
RAT stands for Remote Administration Tool. While it may sound rather innocuous, the term “RAT” is usually associated with the software used for criminal or malicious purposes.
3930 articles
RAT stands for Remote Administration Tool. While it may sound rather innocuous, the term “RAT” is usually associated with the software used for criminal or malicious purposes.
I won’t even dare to ask if you are sick and tired of banner adverts on the Internet. I’ll better tell you how to get rid of them with help of Kaspersky Internet Security.
They teach a lot of things in schools, but they never tell you how to be safe in Internet. We have several simple advices on cybersecurity for you, that will help you stay away from trouble.
The results of the recent IT Security Risks Survey 2015 show that half of banks and payment systems prefer to handle cyberincidents when they happen, rather than invest in tools to prevent them.
Infosec digest: exploit kit Neutrino in Wordpress, yet another GitHub DDoS, Wyndham responsible for breach, while Target is not.
Kaspersky Lab’s Q2 report on spam and phishing has arrived, and brought little surprises.
A year ago, an infamous leak which exposed some celebrities’ nude photos sparked the discussion around password safety. What can you do protect your accounts?
“The Girl in the Spider’s Web”, the 4th book of Millenium series released today. Our security expert David Jacoby tells how he consulted the author of the book on what exactly hacking is.
Kaspersky Lab has just released a new version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac, specifically for Mac-savvy businesses.
In-flight security made quite a lot of headlines this summer, but this time at unusual angle: the one quite surprising for an average passenger and quite expected for an IT specialist.
A new Kaspersky Lab report finds businesses pay a significant premium to recover from a cyber attack if the virtual infrastructure is affected during the incident.
One can find a number of reasons why this very bug cannot be patched right now, or this quarter, or, like, ever. Yet, the problem has to be solved.
A look at what the “threat landscape” is comprised of for businesses.
Just think of the sticky fingers of banks, marketers and insurers that hunt for your personal data with revolting impudence and store them unsecured. So, what’s the fuss about?
The BlueTermite APT campaign is rather new and extremely persistent. Here’s why.
These days, the propagation of zero-day exploits occurs almost literally at the speed of light. As soon as such useful exploit makes it to the public, APT authors can begin
Once more into a breach: 9.7 gigabytes of stolen data with users’ emails, credit card transactions and profiles leaked into the darknet.
The experience of forgetting information you trust a digital device to remember for you is called Digital Amnesia. Digital Amnesia’s impact on businesses can range from mere inconvenience to something far more serious.
Since there’s nothing unhackable in this world, why should chemical plants should be the exception?
In this post there are two seemingly unrelated pieces of news which nevertheless have one thing in common: not that somewhere someone is vulnerable, but that vulnerability sometimes arises from reluctance to take available security measures.
Kaspersky Lab has just received a trove of new awards for one of its business products, Kaspersky Small Office Security.