Antimalware Technologies: terms explained
Every security vendor has a portfolio of advanced “anti-malware technologies” that make its products good and even better than all the rest.
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Every security vendor has a portfolio of advanced “anti-malware technologies” that make its products good and even better than all the rest.
The word “IoT” (Internet of Things) has been a buzz word for several years now. It has become the era when more home electronics and cars are connected to the
Children who use mobile devices can be more vulnerable to cyber threats because they are free to surf the Internet at any time or place, without adult supervision.
Over the last few years we have witnessed a number of high-profile, large scale security breaches with quite dramatic consequences, such as massive leaks of personally identifiable data.
A New York artist made an exhibition out of making a single private and anonymous cell phone call outside the scope of government spying. Here’s how he did it:
Phishing used to be an exotic threat, but that was years ago when malicious worms dominated the arena. Much has changed since then, and today phishing routinely hits hard – especially
Can we do anything to mitigate the human factor risks in aviation? The answer is: Yes, we can
There are many cool and funny projects in the world that deal with big data and we’ve gathered the Top 10 list of the most interesting ones. See for yourself!
As cybercrime keeps focusing on profit, the share of plainly malicious spam, spreading out Trojans, phishing links, etc., will grow.
Figures show that just 58% of Android-based smartphones and 63% of Android tablets are protected by any kind of an anti-virus solution, while 31% of smartphones and 41% of tablets are not even password-protected.
There are several ways to avoid phishing attacks on your Facebook account. The common theme in each is to be highly suspicious of any online request for your personal information
Hardware is usually considered relatively safe and clean — as opposed to software which is usually the layer suffering from bugs and malware. But this is no longer true
While it would be obvious to say that DDoS attacks are “bad for business”, the threat is often underestimated, overlooked, or neglected. Surveys show less than 40% of companies take
Major social networks have been known to either unbundle their functionality into multiple apps, or buy other apps and not integrate their functionality into the main one.
Losing a phone is always a bit of a nuisance, especially if it’s an expensive piece of hardware. With smartphones conquering the world with authority, losing a phone means also
Connection inside the aircraft is not that complex: it needs just a Wi-Fi access point, end of story. But deploying the channel on the outside is a totally different and fascinating concept
Crouching Yeti, last year’s widely publicized APT campaign, is apparently still active, although the operator might have switched infrastructure, techniques, and targets.
Tech giants Intel and IBM are seeking to hire Bitcoin experts, but their interest appears to be focussed on the service’s public ledger rather than the cryptocurrency itself
A four year old Flash patch did not properly resolve a vulnerable Flex application, and attackers can exploit the bug, which is said to affect some 30 percent of Alexa’s top 10 most popular sites in the world, which threatens the integrity of the businesses behind these sites.
Mark Zuckerberg has officially allowed dozens of popular apps to operate within the realm of his Facebook Messenger
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