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Information Sharing: Key to Addressing Today’s Attacks

Many organizations—especially government agencies or heavily regulated businesses—are nervous about sharing this data, for fear of reprisals if information about successful attacks becomes public. And politicians and security experts say this is an issue that needs to be solved if businesses are going to have the chance to succeed.

The ups and downs of mobile threats

Every fifth Android-based device protected by Kaspersky Lab security solutions was attacked by malware at least once in 2013-2014. In 60% of the registered attacks the malware used had a “financial” nature. While there’s seemingly nothing unexpected a certain twist is present…

Critical systems and bottlenecks

A critical civilian system goes down – it’s a scenario that evokes some apocalyptic pictures of destruction and mayhem; remember, for instance, “Die Hard 4.0”? Actually this could happen with any corporate infrastructure, since all of them have certain critical systems of their own.

How a Linux bug may affect Virtual infrastructure

Linux bugs may affect or directly threaten entire virtualization infrastructures: Whatever OS is used on VMs, an attack on a hypervisor is possible from both the outside and inside, and exploitation of the dreaded Shellshock vulnerability on Linux-based hypervisors is a possibility, too.