Protect What You Value Most: Your Unique Data
Losing your work or personal data is a computing worst case scenario. While there is no shortage of ways you can lose your data, there are also a number of protections that can help.
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Losing your work or personal data is a computing worst case scenario. While there is no shortage of ways you can lose your data, there are also a number of protections that can help.
Is social engineering beatable? Just as much as you can beat any other kind of deceit. Actually, social engineering is about “exploiting flaws in a human hardware”.
Yahoo plans to implement end-to-end encryption for all of its mail users, giving normal, non-technical users the power to communicate securely and privately.
Few companies are interested in protecting their users’ endpoint devices, even though it’s one of the most vulnerable points in the financial transaction chain. At the same time, users expect payment operators to reimburse their funds in instances of successful fraud.
Many recruiters will compare finding the right candidate to finding their mate. It is especially relevant for Kaspersky as we need very special people with unique skills.
Kaspersky Lab released results of a 10-months long analysis of Epic Turla APT campaign, which is still active. One of the most sophisticated cyber-espionage campaigns, it attacked victims in 45 countries.
Car hacking is back and Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek no longer have to plug their computers into the cars to make them do their bidding.
Kaspersky Lab has released a new IT Security Risks Survey, conducted in 2013-2014 together with B2B International. Facts and figures show that security situations in businesses improved very little, if at all. Small and mid-sized businesses still have their IT strategy low on their priorities list.
Data breaches have become a routine. It can happen to any site, any day. You can’t prevent it, but there is a way to minimize the damage.
Kaspersky Lab has just released a new report on the evolution of threats in Q2. Banking Trojans grow in numbers (and the level of danger they pose), while Russia remains the most malware-attacked country.
Despite the fact that we have cheap unlimited Internet connection almost everywhere, there are situations when each megabyte is literally worth its weight in gold.
A visual representation of a problem appears just a bit more meaningful, and at the same time more comprehensible, than large sheets of texts. Here is a big (or not so big) picture of threats to medium-sized businesses.
Participate in Kaspersky Lab’s Global Think Test to test your brain power.
July is over and that means it’s time to look back and observe the latest results of the battle between cybercriminals and prosecutors.
Security researchers uncovered yet another long-standing APT campaign aimed at exfiltration of important data from the organizations associated with strategic industrial sectors. Once again, businesses involved in these areas are
In the news this week: more APT campaigns, a look forward at the DEF CON and Black Hat Hacker conferences, and good and bad news for Facebook.
In the news: Microsoft’s No-IP takedown fiasco, Chinese APT groups curious about U.S. Iraq policy, Verizon says the government wants locations data, and Microsoft denies backdoor insinuations.
The next page of The Сyberworld Survival Guide. The entire guide can be found here:
As a security vendor, we at Kaspersky Lab have to foresee possible problems stemming from essentially good things. Serious transformations in the software market bring both new advantages, but also new problems and challenges, to which we need to pay attention.
Your iPhone runs hidden monitoring services. Who uses them, and for what purpose?