3930 articles
One of the most popular porn sites in the world was serving malware through ads to millions of its users.
The real scale of the Yahoo breach (spoiler: 3 billion), Facebook’s own Face ID, UK Lottery DDoS, and more.
What if you could pay with your personal data for goods – as if it was some sort of currency? Sounds attractive… or scary?
Let’s celebrate by sharing some advice with those who need it. Here are five tips you can use to help your friends and relatives stay safe online.
The largest motor show in the world is the best place to see what cars will look like in the near future.
Let’s talk about solving blockchain’s six main problems to help it work better, faster, and more efficiently.
Transatlantic Cable Podcast episode 4: tax scams, trading data for swag, AI password cracking, and more.
A new blocker called nRansom locks users out of their computers and demands not money, but nude pictures.
A few more tips about gaming accounts safety, or How to protect your Steam, Uplay, Origin, battle.net and so on.
Several months ago, our experts found a bunch of vulnerabilities in Android apps that allow users to control their cars remotely. What has changed since then?
Cybersecurity is ever-changing how can executives stay ahead of the curve?
How facial recognition works in the new Apple iPhone X —and is it secure enough for you to usetrust?
Android users have the largest selection of mobile apps, but that means they are also exposed to the most threats. Avoid mobile malware by following some basic security rules.
Fraudsters make a fortune mining cryptocurrencies — on your computer, at your expense, and without your knowledge.
Transatlantic Cable Podcast episode 2: autonomous pizza delivery, Sarahah’s privacy issues, reprieve for victims of Yahoo!’s data breach and more.
The Internet of Things is vulnerable like nothing else. What should you do to secure your smart home and other devices on the home network?
A story about a large malicious campaign carried out in Facebook Messenger — and how it worked.
This week’s Transatlantic Cable podcast features stories on Burger King, scams, Instagram security and more.