What is ransomware?
What is ransomware? Why do you need to know about it? And how can you protect yourself from it?
3930 articles
What is ransomware? Why do you need to know about it? And how can you protect yourself from it?
Digital healthcare allows ever more non-security trained medical staff to access and share confidential patient data, which builds up a challenge for IT security workers.
Facebook has changed its privacy settings several times in the past few years, so we explain once again how to make your account more private.
Teams from 19 universities in the US and UK competed in Kaspersky Lab’s Cybersecurity Case Study Competition. See what they’ve came up with.
The tracking tools used by digital marketers are so ubiquitous that it’s really hard to avoid mass Web surveillance. However, our Private Browsing can help you protect your privacy.
It is very possible that in the foreseeable future information will be stored in DNA, and the term “virus” will get back to its literal meaning.
Everything you need to know about botnets: how they work, why they are dangerous and how to stay safe.
Fed up with ad banners? Kaspersky Internet Security has a smart feature that turns them off — altogether or selectively.
A company’s business stalls because of a cryptor. The head of IT dept is to solve the problem. But “solving” this time doesn’t mean just “restoring the data”.
Ransomware infects 2,000 SFMTA computers, makes Muni rides free for the weekend.
At VB2016, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade and Brian Bartholomew of GReAT discussed why APT attribution is not easy.
More than 70% of active Internet users have considered quitting their social networks. What do they have to lose?
Ransomware: a brief history, current situation, future predictions and how to solve the problem.
The first zero-day exploit for InPage text processor had been used in attacks on Asian banks.
With Kaspersky Password Manager you know longer need to memorize dozens of passwords — and it makes your accounts safer
Do you really think you are the owner of your data? Watch the video with Evgeny Chereshnev from TedX Kazan and think again
Ransoc ransomware gathers data from victim’s social networks and hard drives, and uses it to blackmail victims.
Find out if you can avoid traps set by fraudsters for Black Friday sales.
Kaspersky Lab is giving MSPs a chance to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new integration of security and remote monitoring and management tools.
Lately, tech companies have gone crazy about machine learning. What is machine learning, and what are its implications? Here’s our take on this technology.