Hyatt hotel chain hit by financial malware; how to prevent such things?
The Hyatt hotel chain has revealed recently that 250 of 627 of its properties worldwide were infected with money-stealing malware.
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The Hyatt hotel chain has revealed recently that 250 of 627 of its properties worldwide were infected with money-stealing malware.
Kaspersky Lab is pleased to share its successful experience of collaborating with the largest NGO in the world, Bangladesh-based BRAC.
There’s an expression that goes, “The walls have ears.” Well, today unfriendly “ears” are right in your pockets: spying software in mobile devices.
Microsoft dropped security support for Internet Explorer versions 8, 9, and 10 on some Microsoft platforms last week. It wasn’t sudden. There was time to get rid of it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t so easy to accomplish.
Microsoft has just patched a zeroday vulnerability in its Silverlight web multimedia technology, which was investigated by Kaspersky Lab.
Over the first week of 2016, a handful of important cybersecurity news came in, including those directly and indirectly affecting businesses worldwide.
Late in December, the term “whaling” mildly spiked in cybersecurity-related media outlets. The term isn’t exactly new, but it isn’t encountered as often as “phishing”.
For the first 2016 Kaspersky Business blog post, we’ve chosen Commandments of Office Security, a handful of common problems with cybersecurity in the workplace, and the ways to solve – or at least mitigate – them.
DDoS attacks are a formidable (and somewhat regular) problem for businesses, but occasionally they appear to be a threat for the entirety of Web. On Nov. 30 and Dec. 1,
On the tracks of (relatively) recent research on the Brazilian cyberunderground comes news of a “re-ignited” banking malware which is using Facebook as a means of distribution. The threat itself
Joomla-based sites are being attacked using the zeroday vulnerability. According to the researchers who discovered the threat, this is an object injection flaw that allows a full remote command execution.
An extremely troubling discovery had been made in Windows Outlook by Haifei Li, a security researcher currently employed by McAfee.
We take a look at what happened in cybersecurity throughout 2015.
Nearly half of companies recently surveyed by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International think they know who to blame for DDoS attacks targeted at them. While it isn’t easy to prove, many think it is competitors orchestrating these attacks.
End-users are afraid of fraud, and fear of being tricked into losing money to cybercriminals shies the customers away from using online payment services.
As the year wraps up, Kaspersky Lab released its reports on the overall status of global cybersecurity.
Kaspersky Lab introduces a new service called Kaspersky Private Security Network.
Do you work with government or military contractors? Or are YOU the contractor? Then be warned: the Sofacy targeted attack actor has scaled up its activities – and may be
A Smart City isn’t going to be a futuristic Garden of Eden from a 1950s magazines, but automatization and informatization of cities may help make them a more inhabitable place than they are now.
We talk a bit more about how our software protects businesses and helps their IT security staff.