
1222 articles

Lock it up! ATMs are attacked with “software skimmers”

Interpol just released an alert regarding cyber-attacks targeting multiple ATMs around the world. During the course of a forensic investigation performed by Kaspersky Lab, researchers discovered a piece of malware infecting ATMs that allowed attackers to empty the cash machines via direct manipulation, stealing millions of dollars.

When the Bug Bashes you

A new nasty bug discovered in Bourne again shell set the infosec on fire, Heartbleed-style. Is it as dangerous as the notorious OpenSSL flaw? It depends…

Thinking of security over Apple’s live stream bummer

The biggest concern about Apple Pay is that one’s iCloud account now controls not only private photos, app data, and messages, but also money. You lose your password – you lose everything and as the celebrity hack showed us, there is no need to hack Apple’s servers. Social engineering, phishing, trojans – all cybercriminal tools will now be targeted at people’s electronic wallets.