1436 articles
Why it’s unsafe to take phones in bed and into the bathroom
It’s believed, that we own GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and CDMA invention to Hedy Lamarr. Let’s find out if this is true and what exactly the actress contributed to the development of these technologies
Think a photo of your boarding pass is innocent when posted online? Think again.
Since you started to connect all those Things to the Internet, creating IoT, your home is no longer your fortress by design. Now attackers can spy on your kid through a baby monitor or break into your house by fooling your ‘smart’ security lock.
Criminals can use VoLTE to cause connection failure, subdue voice calls, or strip the victim’s mobile account of money.
The Internet can be a mess unless you have the right map. Here are 7 great maps for you to bookmark.
Nearly every person has ever faced a cyber criminal’s activity; many have become victims of banking frauds. So, how does it happen?
While FBI recommends victims to pay the ransom, Kaspersky Lab won back the access to the files for dozens of thousands of CoinVault and Bitcryptor victims.
Fingerprints and iris scans are insecure and can be stolen to compromise your identity.
Do you think that you have nothing to hack whatsoever? Bad news, guys: everyone has something hackable!
Stop what you are doing and check your privacy settings on Facebook.
We interview Russia’s youngest grand master. He reveals the story of falling in love with chess, the strategy and the tactics of the game, and plans for the future.
The world is a reality TV show and sometimes we cannot resist the opportunity to snap up our piece of fame. We are posting funny pics of ourselves to amuse
With all of the hacks in the news, you may feel scared to shop online. Kaspersky Lab can ease your fears with the Safe Money feature of Kaspersky Internet Security 2016.
In Back to the Future 2, Marty McFly and co. come to 2015. Let’s see, which forecasts of this legendary saga are true and which are false.
Google’s Android OS is a vulnerable system. Developers make it worse by not providing critical patches in time.
Konstantin Goncharov explains the bottom line of tech giants’ epic fails in the new edition of cybersecurity news digest.
Kaspersky Lab CEO answers questions from our social media community
How to use a special app to protect your kids from unwanted calls and mobile fraud and be sure that your child is not playing online instead of studying.
What if you could be sure that your kids use Internet safely while their mobile phones are protected from fraud, unwanted calls and SMS? All you need for that is Kaspersky Safe Kids!