Tips and Tricks to Hide from Big Brother’s Watchful Eye
Tips and methods of hacking global surveillance: makeup, special clothes, eyeglasses and more.
1434 articles
Tips and methods of hacking global surveillance: makeup, special clothes, eyeglasses and more.
Yesterday The European Court of Justice ruled that the Safe Harbor agreement is invalid: what does this decision mean for your personal data?
What is the difference between real and theoretical threats?
Our vocabulary continues to evolve as we see slang enter our lexicon. From Googling to memes once-thought silly words have become accepted. This evolution is also impacting the way we write and punctuate statements online.
Today’s smartphones are full-fledged computers much more powerful than the desktops you used 10 years ago. Your device is very likely to contain data the cybercriminals are after, like banking data.
Today’s weekly news digest covers the stories about various mistakes in coding, and how they can be used for different purposes, including earning money.
Your legitimate copy of Angry Birds 2 may be infected with malware that steals your private data. How could this happen?
Cyber-literate users possesses a variety of good habits, which protect them online and offline. What are these traits?
Our today’s weekly news digest covers three stories about the mistakes coders make when programming robots, the way other people exploit those design flaws, and then the reckoning.
Facial recognition algorithms can track your movements with amazing accuracy. But if you know how they work you can trick them.
Kaspersky Lab joined hands with the Dutch police to arrest the criminals behind the CoinVault dangerous ransomware.
Russian chess player Mikhail Antipov sponsored by Kaspersky Lab has won the World Junior Championship.
A virus damaging hardware is one of the most widely believed myths in the infosec domain. And, at the same time, it’s the most non-standard one. And it’s not totally a myth, after all.
In the new installment of our explosive hit series “Infosec news” you’ll find: the breach of Bugzilla, Carbanak is coming back and Turla uses Level-God hard to track techniques to hide servers.
One of the most interesting ciphers designed to eliminate the vulnerability to symbol frequency analysis was the Vigenere cipher. Which later became the basis of unbreakable one-time pads.
Kaspersky Lab’s researchers have found that Russian-speaking Turla APT group is exploiting satellites to mask its operation ant to hide command-and-control servers.
The new trend on IFA 2015 is all about integrity and security. Meet Kaspersky Lab’s observations from the trade show.
Information security digest: the greatest iOS theft, farewell to RC4 cipher, multiple vulnerabilities in routers
Headlines raise alarm: the greatest hack in history finally reached iOS. Is that really so and who are the potential victims?
The rulebook for freethinking people: how not to get made the next time you log on Ashley Madison or buy goods in a sex shop online.
They teach a lot of things in schools, but they never tell you how to be safe in Internet. We have several simple advices on cybersecurity for you, that will help you stay away from trouble.