Darkhotel: a spy campaign in luxury Asian hotels
Kaspersky Lab revealed a cyberspy campaign, Darkhotel, which had been active for seven years in a number of luxury Asian hotels.
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Kaspersky Lab revealed a cyberspy campaign, Darkhotel, which had been active for seven years in a number of luxury Asian hotels.
Many organizations—especially government agencies or heavily regulated businesses—are nervous about sharing this data, for fear of reprisals if information about successful attacks becomes public. And politicians and security experts say this is an issue that needs to be solved if businesses are going to have the chance to succeed.
Can a business be “partially” prepared to ward off cyberthreats? That’s up for debate, but it seems there is little difference between “partial protection” and no protection at all.
APT is a term often mentioned in cybersecurity bulletins. Here’s what you need to know to understand it.
Hacking and espionage are hardly crimes for the secret service, but rather are a part of their everyday work. But imagine what could happen if their tools end up in wrong hands.
2014 is making its way into Cybersecurity history books with two global-scale software bugs discovered over 6 months. They are obviously not the last ones, and it is actually a good thing.
Phishing is the most developed form of Internet scamming. Let’s explore the topic in order to better understand why it became so prominent and what measures one can take to avoid a phishing attack.
Cyber-resilience is the ability to sustain damage, but ultimately succeed. In order to be resilient, businesses need to have a plan. One organization is dealing with attacks today that another will deal with tomorrow. There are ways businesses can help each other become cyber-resilient.
Having your business bank account hijacked by cybercriminals could bankrupt your company, but that type of breach isn’t really what law enforcement cares about. They are concerned with only one thing: how well you protect certain information.
A curious story about a cyber-investigation of fraudulent activities, which our GERT group had recently conducted on behalf of one of the company’s clients. The attackers were quite thoughtful, but not good enough.
It is widely known in cybersecurity that the door to a data breach is often opened by employees. In what percentage of breaches is an employee directly at fault?
A number of celebrities private (very private) photos were leaked. While it is first and foremost a blatant invasion of privacy, this is also a wake-up call for businesses.
PoS malware is a long-standing problem which caught the public’s attention only recently. It came out with a loud bang: The repercussions of Target’s drastic data breach are still around.
It would be nice to think that it would take a lot more than an overeager amateur hacker like Seth Green’s character from the 2003 movie “The Italian Job,” to bring traffic to a screeching halt.
Can we beat software vulnerabilities? It is not possible to do so completely, but there are ways to mend the issue.
We recently approached our experts and asked which books they would recommend for would-be malware analysts. Here is their list.
Malware using Tor for communication with C&C servers is a novelty; it may not make the malware itself more dangerous, but eradicating it becomes a much more serious problem.
Kaspersky Lab released results of a 10-months long analysis of Epic Turla APT campaign, which is still active. One of the most sophisticated cyber-espionage campaigns, it attacked victims in 45 countries.
Kaspersky Lab has just released a new report on the evolution of threats in Q2. Banking Trojans grow in numbers (and the level of danger they pose), while Russia remains the most malware-attacked country.