Forrester names Kaspersky Lab a leader in endpoint security
Forrester Research interviewed vendors and customers to evaluate top endpoint security providers.
7 articles
Forrester Research interviewed vendors and customers to evaluate top endpoint security providers.
Gartner has just released their 2014 Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms. I’m very pleased to announce that, for the third year in a row, Gartner has included Kaspersky Lab
When a new high-profile attack is revealed–whether it’s a technology company, a government agency or a financial institution that’s targeted–the attention often focuses on the victim and what the attackers
Today’s malware is definitely not the only security threat for individual and corporate users, but the tools of detecting and fighting malware remain fundamental in any security solution. There are
In IDC’s latest “Worldwide Endpoint Security 2013-2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares”* report, Kaspersky Lab has been positioned as the third largest Endpoint Security Suite Vendor with a 13% share
The Roses Creative Awards are given annually for the most notable achievements in advertising, marketing and design. Initially two distinct awards were given for excellence in design and advertising, but
The first encryption methods appeared almost immediately after the emergence of writing. Ancient masters of cryptography deliberately missed out letters or substituted them with other symbols in their messages to