How easy is it for hackers to steal your face?
Fingerprints and iris scans are insecure and can be stolen to compromise your identity.
82 articles
Fingerprints and iris scans are insecure and can be stolen to compromise your identity.
Tips and methods of hacking global surveillance: makeup, special clothes, eyeglasses and more.
Your legitimate copy of Angry Birds 2 may be infected with malware that steals your private data. How could this happen?
Headlines raise alarm: the greatest hack in history finally reached iOS. Is that really so and who are the potential victims?
The rulebook for freethinking people: how not to get made the next time you log on Ashley Madison or buy goods in a sex shop online.
“The Girl in the Spider’s Web”, the 4th book of Millenium series released today. Our security expert David Jacoby tells how he consulted the author of the book on what exactly hacking is.
In-flight security made quite a lot of headlines this summer, but this time at unusual angle: the one quite surprising for an average passenger and quite expected for an IT specialist.
Once more into a breach: 9.7 gigabytes of stolen data with users’ emails, credit card transactions and profiles leaked into the darknet.
Since there’s nothing unhackable in this world, why should chemical plants should be the exception?
Researchers compete at finding security holes in infotainment systems of connected cars and breaking in. The new case proves that Tesla does care a lot about security at wheel.
Security researcher Chris Rock discovered, that it’s very easy to kill a human. All you need is just a computer with Internet access, some knowledge and common sense.
Recently we wrote about the Jeep Cherokee hack incident. At Black Hat security researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek finally explained, how exactly the now-famous Jeep hack happened.
Taking over a Jeep Cherokee driving at speed 70 mph at a remote highway is quite real.
Private data of 37 million users are at risk after a huge data breach on the popular Ashley Madison dating site.
Vitaly Kamluk answers our readers’ questions about his work with INTERPOL and other digital investigations.
Facebook attracts a lot of cyber-criminals. Kaspersky Lab partnered with Facebook to protect you from these cyber-criminals.
The web service for secure password storage, LastPass, asks users to change their passwords ASAP.
Kaspersky Lab has discovered an advanced attack on its own internal network and is sharing its investigation results. TL;DR – Customers are safe; neither products nor services have been compromised.
To hackers’ delight, merchant vessels that transfer about ninety percent of the world’s cargo heavily depend on automation and remote monitoring systems with poor IT security.
Recent report by US GAO was treated by medias as “Modern aircrafts can be hacked and commandeered through onboard Wi-Fi”. Is it really that bad?
Big data helps to catch child abusers, drug dealers, and terrorists, and allegedly it also helped to locate Bin Laden.