Talk Security: Kaspersky Lab Security Analyst Summit 2015
Brian Donohue and Chris Brook of Threatpost discuss Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit, which took place last week in Cancun, Mexico
72 articles
Brian Donohue and Chris Brook of Threatpost discuss Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit, which took place last week in Cancun, Mexico
There is a flood of appliances which could be connected – and some are connected – without a second thought as to whether or not it’s necessary or secure.
Kaspersky Lab experts analyze the security and privacy trends that emerged in 2014, including anonymous Tor browsing, ransomware, APT attacks and more.
Kaspersky Lab experts make predictions about what trends will emerge in the security industry in 2015.
Electronic devices becoming so smart that they take over mankind is a recurring theme in sci-fi. Chronophobia and futurophobia are widespread, too. But what’s the point of being afraid? Security in the coming age of Smarternet requires awareness and attention.
Let’s take a moment to discuss the numerous troubles that our bright, technology-packed future could bring about.
Many Internet-connected smart home systems contain vulnerabilities that could expose the owners of those systems to physical and digital theft.
The Internet of Things is the latest term used to define all kinds of consumer electronics connected to the Internet – from refrigerators and washing machines to irons. Just like