How trolls use Findface against porn actresses and why it’s bad for you and me
Aggressive moral crusaders search for porn actresses accounts on VK.com and cyberbully them along with their friends and families.
90 articles
Aggressive moral crusaders search for porn actresses accounts on VK.com and cyberbully them along with their friends and families.
The Kaspersky Daily team checks if FindFace can really find users on a social media site with one image taken on the street and if it is possible to hide from it. Some interesting peculiarities detected!
How everyone and his dog online make the big data tyranny raise.
VPN’s features and pitfalls from legal and technical standpoint
They say Facebook severely violates users’ privacy. Is it true and why European authorities claim that?
It’s not the best idea to use Safari on your phone with no ad blocker at all. You can remedy this omission with the help of our new iOS app Kaspersky AdCleaner!
Protect your browser and keep your passwords, card credentials and personal data safe with the help of Kaspersky Protection.
The average American’s data has been stolen several times. Now when it’s done, what would a cybercriminal do next? We have discussed it at RSA Conference 2016.
In this post we explain, what’s new in the latest update of the Private Browsing tool and how to use it.
Why Steam users often fall victims to scams and frauds and how to avoid it.
Kaspersky Lab and WISeKey will collaborate to develop security software for wearable devices and the Internet of Things.
Let’s find out how to enhance privacy and security of your VK account
Public Wi-Fi networks provide Internet access and 100500 ways to you’re your data to cybercriminals. What can you do to protect yourself?
Kaspersky Internet Security for Android can protect data on your mobile from the long arms and sticky fingers of pocket thieves and cybercriminals
People encrypt their communications so strongly that governments cannot access it when there is a need. Is it really bad?
Popular online messengers cannot be considered secure enough, yet people continue to use them to exchange private and critical information.
What does Google know about you and me? Let’s check it with the new “About me” tool.
Sometimes even cybercriminals go fishing. They hunt for a special goldfish — our personal data. So, what can you do to protect yourself from phishing?
The Internet is full of thoughts and perceptions, both true and false. Let’s investigate whether the Internet legend about hotel key cards storing guests’ personal information is fact or fiction.
Since you started to connect all those Things to the Internet, creating IoT, your home is no longer your fortress by design. Now attackers can spy on your kid through a baby monitor or break into your house by fooling your ‘smart’ security lock.