Simple Mistake Indexes Highly Sensitive Banking Data
A massive provider of insurance for bond investments misconfigured one of its servers and accidentally made a variety of sensitive payment information indexable.
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A massive provider of insurance for bond investments misconfigured one of its servers and accidentally made a variety of sensitive payment information indexable.
IT workers routinely set up limited privileges for all users for security sake. However, the users are extremely suspicious about these sorts of limitations, assuming (sometimes reasonably) that it will affect the workflow. Is there a way to mitigate these contradictions?
Hacking and espionage are hardly crimes for the secret service, but rather are a part of their everyday work. But imagine what could happen if their tools end up in wrong hands.
Interpol just released an alert regarding cyber-attacks targeting multiple ATMs around the world. During the course of a forensic investigation performed by Kaspersky Lab, researchers discovered a piece of malware infecting ATMs that allowed attackers to empty the cash machines via direct manipulation, stealing millions of dollars.
Even when your iPhone is in your hands or on the table, it can reveal some of your secrets to strangers. Here are 10 tips to prevent this from happening.
Virus Bulletin is a traditionally enterprise-focused event, but each year topics of consumer interest, like Apple malware, hackable devices and Bitcoin are presented.
The Bash vulnerability affecting Unix, Linux and OS X systems is the latest Internet-wide bug to emerge, and a number of experts are saying it’s more dangerous than OpenSSL Heartbleed.
A new nasty bug discovered in Bourne again shell set the infosec on fire, Heartbleed-style. Is it as dangerous as the notorious OpenSSL flaw? It depends…
This post is comprised of two topics: a Trojan Opfake.a, which made a lot of buzz earlier this months and analyzing mobile malware at home. The latter is quite possible, but requires protective measures.
With the release of iOS 8, Apple claims it can’t access the personal data on your iPhones and iPads and it can’t give it to authorities. But it seems there’s a catch.
A number of popular Android applications are putting sensitive user data at risk of exposure because the app developers are not fully implementing encryption.
The final month of summer wasn’t full of cybercriminal stories, but law enforcement groups around the world still found and punished some evildoers.
Tor is an online browsing portal that keeps your web activity completely anonymous.
On September 9th, Apple showed some new devices and its own payment system, which utilizes an NFC chip, Touch ID sensor and Passbook app. So we had a try to find out how it works, what it gives us and how well this system is protected.
My Kaspersky is a multi-device security management tool that lets users control the security products on all of their devices remotely in one place.
The Apple iCloud nude celebrity photo fiasco underscores the uncomfortable reality that even the savvy among us aren’t totally sure about what goes on and into “the Cloud.”
Your data is the finest treasure on your computer. Protect it the way the secret service protects a president, create a robust defense system where an antivirus will be just the last line of defense.
Brian Donohue and Chris Brook recap the month’s security headlines from its beginnings at Black Hat and DEFCON, to a bizarre PlayStation Network outage.
Beware of phishing, malware, spam and other online scams based on the extremely popular ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
Sextortion is one way online predators can steal your sensitive data and use it to harm you.