Google I/O 2016: Smartphones are not the limit for Android
At the recent I/O 2016 conference Google announced Android N, Wear 2.0, new messenger Allo, voice assistant Google Home, and a laundry list of other tech miracles. What about security?
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At the recent I/O 2016 conference Google announced Android N, Wear 2.0, new messenger Allo, voice assistant Google Home, and a laundry list of other tech miracles. What about security?
There is a flood of appliances which could be connected – and some are connected – without a second thought as to whether or not it’s necessary or secure.
Buried in Samsung’s terms of service is the admission that spoken words are picked up and passed along to third parties by voice recognition.
CES 2015 was a superb event in terms of the amount of new technology per square foot. But, from an information security standpoint, it did not appear all that positive.
Let’s take a moment to discuss the numerous troubles that our bright, technology-packed future could bring about.
Many Internet-connected smart home systems contain vulnerabilities that could expose the owners of those systems to physical and digital theft.