Parenting 2.0: becoming a true digital role model
We’ve reached an age where our digital and analog lives are one and the same. How can we make sure our kids grow up digitally savvy and safe?
69 articles
We’ve reached an age where our digital and analog lives are one and the same. How can we make sure our kids grow up digitally savvy and safe?
The rise of Snapchat has brought a whole host of security issues regarding the app. Make sure your account is secure.
So your social media photos are public, great. Ever wonder what could happen when they get stolen?
Think a photo of your boarding pass is innocent when posted online? Think again.
Fingerprints and iris scans are insecure and can be stolen to compromise your identity.
The world is a reality TV show and sometimes we cannot resist the opportunity to snap up our piece of fame. We are posting funny pics of ourselves to amuse
Are you committing these six online parenting sins? If so, please stop.
Facebook attracts a lot of cyber-criminals. Kaspersky Lab partnered with Facebook to protect you from these cyber-criminals.
Kaspersky Internet Security has a feature that may help you take control over the time that you spend on gaming and on the Internet, and it is called parental control.
A new poll shows Americans care overwhelmingly about digital privacy.
In this video tutorial, we explore Facebook’s settings, explaining what each feature does and showing users how to configure their profile and ensure privacy.
In this video tutorial, we explore the Facebook settings pages, explaining what each feature does and showing users how to securely configure their profiles
When it comes to the dangers of oversharing information through social media, Twitter and Facebook come to most people’s minds. And while we’ve written about the dangers of exposing your
Everybody knows that nothing on the internet really goes away forever – except for maybe our privacy and dignity. So when we heard about SnapChat: a service that allegedly lets
When we enter the adult world, we tend to put a lot of care into building and cultivating our reputations. The way we present ourselves and the way others perceive
The world has been up in arms about the expansive and invasive reach of the U.S. government’s National Security Agency (NSA) ever since the world was introduced to Edward Snowden
It used to be that high school kids spread the news about a party at the house of someone whose parents were out of town by word of mouth. Cell
It’s summer, that time of year where we go on vacation, take lots of pictures — and, of course, upload them to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And because we want
Not long ago, Twitter was a novelty social media site that average users thought was silly. Now the microblogging tool is a vital news source and publishing platform, letting anyone
Permanent deletion by default after a predetermined amount of time is the gimmick that drove Snapchat users to upload more than 150 million photos a day in April. Problematically, Snapchat’s
Over the last 9 years Facebook has grown from a small social networking site originally intended for college students into a worldwide platform that is now used not only by