Do your online photos respect your privacy?
Photo files typically contain additional data on shooting conditions, including a geotag. What happens to this data when the photo is published online?
75 articles
Photo files typically contain additional data on shooting conditions, including a geotag. What happens to this data when the photo is published online?
Facebook regularly changes its security settings. Take a look: A useful new setting may have appeared since the last time you checked.
Careless behavior online can have devastating personal and financial consequences. Here are seven common shortcuts to avoid.
Facebook launched Aquila, a solar-powered drone which took its inaugural flight last week. Why does the social network need its own drones and how it is connected to the Google Loon project?
Everything you need to know about safe posting on any social network, boiled down to five crucial rules.
Database with millions of Twitter accounts is being sold on the Darknet. At least 32 million of them are unique and probably active. What you need to do is change your password ASAP!
Aggressive moral crusaders search for porn actresses accounts on VK.com and cyberbully them along with their friends and families.
The Kaspersky Daily team checks if FindFace can really find users on a social media site with one image taken on the street and if it is possible to hide from it. Some interesting peculiarities detected!
How everyone and his dog online make the big data tyranny raise.
They say Facebook severely violates users’ privacy. Is it true and why European authorities claim that?
These incidents sound like a detective story, but are taken from real life. It’s almost impossible to avoid targeted hacking and here we explain why is that so.
Does your use of social media make you a liability to your company?
Over the weekend, Snapchat was compromised via a phishing email pretending to be from company CEO.
Kaspersky Lab’s research shows that some users are too eager to share everything they have when it comes to social networks
Let’s find out how to enhance privacy and security of your VK account
On the tracks of (relatively) recent research on the Brazilian cyberunderground comes news of a “re-ignited” banking malware which is using Facebook as a means of distribution. The threat itself
Facebook will now let Google index the mobile app from the search engine.
What does Google know about you and me? Let’s check it with the new “About me” tool.
Do ATMs employ a secret trick to call the police, and should you trust anything written in CAPS?
Our vocabulary continues to evolve as we see slang enter our lexicon. From Googling to memes once-thought silly words have become accepted. This evolution is also impacting the way we write and punctuate statements online.
Don’t be a slowpoke, follow Dr. House’s rule: everybody lies, especially on the Internet.