What really goes on when your device is in repair
Could someone be viewing your private photos while your device is being repaired?
18 articles
Could someone be viewing your private photos while your device is being repaired?
Antivirus for Android is a must. Here’s how to choose the best antivirus app, either paid or free, for your Android phone.
Android lets you configure app permissions to protect your data and restrict access to dangerous functions. We explain how to do it and why.
This tiny device will help you protect your smartphone from malware and data leakage when charging in public places.
Just took your new iPad out of the box? Here we explain how to make it more secure and easy to use
Despite our dismay about too much computer in our kids’ lives, it’s a process, which cannot be stopped now. Since we cannot stop it, let’s steer it in the right direction!
Ericsson and Qualcomm are promoting their new technology, LTE-U. Is it any better that LTE-A? And what is this combinations of letters supposed to mean, after all?
Which brain mechanisms are in charge of our memory? Kaspersky Lab analyzed why we forget information stored on our devices.
How did you like it the last time you saw your friends? Did you have a nice chat with them? Or were you all only taking pictures of your meals to post them on Instagram and talking to each other on Facebook?
Find out about the most interesting gadgets presented at the Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona
Are you getting enough sleep at night? If not, it might be because your sleep pattern is disrupted due to the display on your PC, TV, tablet, and smartphone.
We have seen a number of cases where a user has deleted our product for Android and ended up with a locked device. Here we discuss why this happens and what can be done about it.
Children are crazy about tablets but it is important to set limitations in order to prevent it from becoming a real obsession. Here are a couple of tips to help you tame your child’s iPad.
Preparing to watch your child trundle off to school with these expensive devices in their backpacks will be a lot easier if you guard against the many perils that can threaten them – theft, malware and unwanted Internet browsing chief among them.
Android users who do not upgrade their operating systems when new versions become available jeopardize the security of their devices, according to new research from Web security firm Duo Security.
Considering the rapid proliferation of smartpones and tablets and the vast wealth of personal and financial data many of us store on them, it is increasingly important that we find
In today’s world, we’re all carrying multiple digital devices that require protection from cybercrime. Kaspersky ONE makes it easier than ever. With just one license, you can conveniently secure any