How to secure your smart home
If you want your smart home to do more good than harm, you should configure it correctly and secure it adequately. We review smart-home security in detail.
112 articles
If you want your smart home to do more good than harm, you should configure it correctly and secure it adequately. We review smart-home security in detail.
AI is going to have a tremendous impact on our lives. How can we get ready for it?
Chances are your home already contains a few smart components. But can you make them even smarter so as to reap yet more benefits from them?
What web beacons and tracker pixels are, what’s so obnoxious about them, and how to disable them.
Have you ever come across the words Secure DNS or Private DNS in your smartphone settings and security apps? It’s best to keep this feature enabled – it has many advantages.
New iPhone 14 wows with Emergency SOS feature for emergency calls via satellite. How does it work, and is it available on any other smartphone?
A new generation of chatbots creates coherent, meaningful texts. This can help out both cybercriminals and cyberdefenders.
The top-4 technologies in use today that long belong in a museum.
We review a recent study on biometric authentication that uses breath analysis.
Some forged Green Pass certificates on sale on the Internet pass validation tests. However, it’s still not a good idea to buy them, and here’s why.
Apple plans to use its new CSAM Detection system to monitor users and identify those who store child pornography on their devices.
How ontologies can provide the world with greater, faster protection from cyberthreats and more.
Researchers at RSA Conference 2021 demonstrated how Tesla and Mobileye autopilots can be tricked by “phantom” images.
Keys make a clicking sound when inserted in door locks. Scientists have found a way to duplicate a key using a recording of the sound.
A lightbulb is all the specialist equipment Lamphone needed to eavesdrop on a conversation in a soundproofed room.
On this episode of the podcast, Dave and Jeff discuss a new damaging attack, China’s proposal for a new Internet, parenting in the digital age, Lego, and more.
Using simple tools such as lasers and music to trick voice assistants and motion sensors.
Is there Internet on the ISS, what is it like, and how long does it take to get a message from Mars — learn about the networks of today and the future.