Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 234

In this week’s episode, Dave, Jeff, and Ahmed chat about the Bitcoin nosedive, NFTs, USB sticks loaded with malware, and hacked FIFA accounts.

In this week’s episode, Dave, Jeff, and Ahmed chat about the Bitcoin nosedive, NFTs, USB sticks loaded with malware, and hacked FIFA accounts.

With the new year firmly in place, Jeff, Ahmed, and I start to look at some of the more quirky stories of the past few days in the latest episode of the Transatlantic Cable podcast.

To kick things off, we look at the roller coaster that is bitcoin pricing (and to a greater extent, crypto prices in general) and wonder how much further things can slide. We then move on to the recent news that SEGA isn’t going to pursue NFTs (for now) because of negative feedback from gamers.

Following that, we have a story that beggars belief. It involves passing wind, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and thousands of dollars — and no, I’m not making this up; go check it out with the link below.

From there, we look at a story about hackers trying to penetrate US-government institutions by mailing them USBs loaded with malware, hoping employees will insert them into computers to find out what’s inside.

Also on this week’s episode, we have an exclusive interview with Fabio Assolini and Santiago Pontiroli from Kaspersky GReAT, who talk with us about financial predictions for 2022.

If you liked what you heard, please consider subscribing and sharing with your friends. For more information on the stories we covered, see the links below:


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